Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Coughs, Quilts and Dissapointments

I am sick with a cough. Not very much fun of course but maybe I can find a positive note to this. Hmmm...let's see....well it did give me a day of rest which was nice. I also got to spend some time talking with our friend Darla who is staying with us. We had a lovely talk on the role of a wife. I watched a funny movie and laughed a great deal. I also had some time to start a baby quilt that I will be making for my sister-in-law's new little baby due in April! Maybe I'll get this done before the baby comes this time. I just finished a quilt for a friend who had her baby last March. Above is a picture of darling Chryseis Mathilda back in June with the (unfinished) quilt.

Well, I'm being so positive about my malady that one might wonder if I was sick at all! Well, I shall prove it to you by confiding this sad story...

I did not get to attend my lovely friend Lizzie's prayer meeting for her mission trip (to ENGLAND!) coming up. I will be praying for you my friend! I will miss her so.

By Genevieve


Anna Kristine said...

Yay! you finally have a blog! This makes me happy! *sigh*
I was so sad you couldn't make it to the meeting too dear...but I do hope you feel better soon!
When I get back, all four of us "spinsters" should get together for some good girl time. :D
Jane Austen flicks, sugary food, and sewing! Sound good?
~Lizzie :D

SisterlyLove said...

It sounds lovely dearest! Thanks for being our first commenter. :)

Family said...

You guys are so funny! LOL I'm so glad you started a blog! Yay!

Mrs. S said...

Oooh! This is going to be so much fun! Your blog is delicious. :D
I am sorry you're under the weather! I do hope you feel better soon!