"Mr. F's Aunt" as she is called...
A remarkable Dickens character. Ha ha!!
This is one of the best parts in the movie... and apparently in the book... :)
She is SO funny! Before we even knew how Dickens described her in the book, in the movie we thought she looks JUST like one of these dolls:
Silver sister pincushion doll from Babes from the Woods. and
This one too! (I love them to death! So well made and SO funny and cute!)
Gen just finished the book and what do you know... Dickens specifically describes her as a wooden doll!
It goes as follows...
"an amazing little old woman, with a face like a
staring wooden doll too cheap for expression, and a stiff yellow wig
perched unevenly on the top of her head, as if the child who owned the
doll had driven a tack through it anywhere, so that it only got fastened
“The major characteristics discoverable by the stranger in Mr F.'s Aunt,
were extreme severity and
grim taciturnity; sometimes interrupted by a
propensity to offer remarks in a deep warning voice, which, being
totally uncalled for by anything said by anybody, and traceable to no
association of ideas, confounded and terrified the Mind.”
"Mr F.'s Aunt, who had
eaten her pie with great solemnity, and who
had been
elaborating some grievous scheme of injury in her mind since
her first assumption of that public position on the Marshal's steps,
took the present opportunity of addressing the following Sibyllic
apostrophe to the relict of her late nephew.
'Bring him for'ard, and
I'll chuck him out o' winder!'
tried in vain to soothe the excellent woman by explaining that they
were going home to dinner. Mr F.'s Aunt persisted in replying, 'Bring
him for'ard and I'll chuck him out o' winder!' Having reiterated this
demand an immense number of times, with a sustained glare of defiance at
Little Dorrit, Mr F.'s Aunt folded her arms, and sat down in the corner
of the pie-shop parlour; steadfastly refusing to budge until such time
as 'he' should have been 'brought for'ard,' and the chucking portion of
his destiny accomplished.”
“You can't make a head and brains out of a brass knob with nothing in
it. You couldn't do it when your uncle George was living much less when
he's dead.”
- Mr. F.'s Aunt
She is so funny. And a very cute Lady, but seriously terrifying as "Mr. F's Aunt"! Ha ha ha!!!
But I have to say, if you haven't seen Little Dorrit... use your discretion. It is rather dark and I think way too scary! So we just fast forward all the scary parts and it's a great movie. :)
Well, there's a smile for your day. :)
Happy March!