Monday, December 8, 2008

Favorite Authors

(Louisa May Alcott)

Our friend Miss C the Second tagged us a very long time ago and I'm finally doing it! Thanks Miss C! Miss you!

Who is your all-time favorite author and why?
Louisa May Alcott because she wrote my favorite book, Little Women. I love her simple and real style of writing. I believe she had a gift for seeing into peoples lives and hearts and being able to portray them faithfully.
Who was your first favorite author and why?
Probably C.S. Lewis. I remember my sister reading us the Narnia books when we were quite young. We would beg her not to stop at the end of each chapter. Just ONE more chapter? Pleeease?
Do you still consider him/her to be among your favorites?
Definitely. He's the kind of author who grows with you. Narnia is essentially a kids series but it has so much truth to be discovered when you get older!

Who is the most recent addition to your list of favorite authors, and why? Jane Kirkpatrick. She is an amazing writer. (she has a lovely blog too!)So good at making you not only feel like you know the people she writes about but are actually right there with them going through life along side them.

If someone asked you who your favorite authors were right now, which authors would first pop out of your mouth?
L.M. Alcott, L.M. Montgomery, C.S. Lewis, Charlotte Bronte, Elizabeth Gaskell, Jane Austen

(Charlotte Bronte)

I tag
Sarah and Rebecca J

Link to the person that tagged you, post the rules somewhere in your meme, answer the questions, tag six people in your post, let the tagees know they have been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog, let the tagger know your entry is posted.

Have a lovely day my friends!


hi said...

Well - looks like your list is very similar to mine! Although Alcott has really affected my style as a writer, Montgomery has a closer place in my heart (she wrote a lot of books about me! ;). And of course, C.S. Lewis is just a genius. :) Fab post!

SisterlyLove said...

Oh yes, L.M. Montgomery is so lovely! Love her Anne books and Emily books and so many more. Have you ever read Kilmeny of the Orchard? That is a lovely one too. I didn't even know that it existed! A friend loaned it to me while ago and I loved it.

P.S. You should do a post about your favorite authors. I tag you if you want to do it. :)