I am in love with vintage picnics.
What better way is there to spend an afternoon in the early summer? I ask you!
I think picnics are "..SIMPLY CHARMING!"
Like these photos from about a hundred years ago. Aren't they marvelous?
I say it is high time to get out your prettiest picnic basket, linen napkins and of course your favorite quilt... Make tasty sandwiches and delightful desserts made in canning jars,
(Like this Chevre + Coconut milk cheesecake)
Bring your favorite game or pastime -- such as scrabble, croquet, badminton, cards, knitting, drawing or embroidery --
and find a nice spot in the grass dappled with sunlight and enjoy the day as if it has been made just for you... Because it has!
Each day is a special gift from our Creator, let's not waste it!
Love, and happy picnicking to you all!
♥ Marguerite